Gioco di controllo territorio
DesignerSerge Laget
ArtistJean-Marie Minguez
PublisherASYNCRON games, Academy Games, Inc., Ediciones MasQueOca,, IGAMES, PHALANX, Schwerkraft-Verlag
Year Published2016
# of Players3 - 5
User Suggested # of Players Best with 5+ players
Recommended with 3, 4, 5 players
(92 voters)
Playing Time120
Mfg Suggested Ages14 and up
User Suggested Ages12 and up
(22 voters)
Language DependenceSome necessary text - easily memorized or small crib sheet
(16 voters)
CategoryAncient, Civilization, Economic, Mythology, Wargame
MechanicArea Movement, Dice Rolling, Set Collection, Trading, Variable Player Powers
ExpansionMare Nostrum: Empires – Atlas Expansion, Mare Nostrum: Empires – Epic Scenario, Mare Nostrum: Empires – Heroes of the Bible, Mare Nostrum: Empires – Mythical Beasts Expansion Tiles, Mare Nostrum: Empires – Starting Heroes, Mare Nostrum: Empires – Theseus Promo Card, Mare Nostrum: Empires Kickstarter Exclusives
FamilyAncient: Carthage, Ancient: Greece, Ancient: Mesopotamia, Ancient: Rome, Components: Map (Continental / National scale), Components: Miniatures, Country: Egypt, Country: Greece, Crowdfunding: Giochistarter, Crowdfunding: Kickstarter, Region: Mediterranean Sea
Primary NameMare Nostrum: Empires
Alternate NamesMare Nostrum: Imperia, Mare Nostrum: Imperios, Mare Nostrum: Impero, Наше Море

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